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Lower Alabama Search and Rescue (LASAR)

Special Hurricane HELENE Relief Effort

The AARS has 100 + Rescue Squads throughout the state of Alabama, that are collecting much needed supplies for our neighbors in Florida and Georgia. all our squads state-wide are collecting non- perishable, food, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items and monetary funds for the hurricane victims!

Donation items are being consolidated at two POC squads which are Childersbnurg Rescue (CBURGRES) and Lower Alabama Search and Rescue (LASAR). The local squad in Lillian is the LASAR, squad located at 34247 West Barclay Lillian Al. 36549. From Saturday Sept 28th through Oct 7th from 08:00-18:00 hours daily. All donations are TAX DEDUCTABLE.

Donated items are being delivered to needed areas by AARS Squad members with coordination through FEMA and local EMA's in designated areas. Volunteers are welcome to assist with sorting and loading of the donated items during the collection hours.

Thank You
Ray Hogans
VP Alabama Association of Rescue Squads

Lower Alabama Search and Rescue

Lower Alabama Search and Rescue (LASAR) Is a State and Nationally recognized all volunteer organization dedicated to help others. Our motto, "Failure is not an option" is something we believe in and let it guide our every mission.

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist federal, state, and local authorities in searches, recoveries and disaster relief operations. This assistance is provided at no cost to entity supported. LASAR also responds outside our normal emergency dispatch district when called upon by FEMA or requesting agencies.

Becoming a member

To join LASAR, please attend one of our monthly meetings (normally held on the 2nd Monday of each month) and fill out an application. There is an $20.00 application fee. This is an annual fee that covers background checks and insurance through the state of Alabama along with Rescue Squad license plates for the member vehicle annually. Prospective members must come to a monthly meeting to acquire the application. LASAR is a dynamic organization with many types of positions and training available. A desire to help others is the number 1 requirement for membership.

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